About Me

This little blog is going to be about my 9 months in Puerto Rico as a volunteer for the Benedictine Women's Service Corps (BWSC). Through it, I hope to share my adventures, learning experiences, spiritual growth, tough times, sad times (hope I don't have any), good times and things that happen in between. I know I will not call everyone of you, but at least those who read it, can keep up with my journey.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Now Where Talking...

So, for the first two weekends I had been feeling a little bumbed out because I wasn't really "going out". Granted, I do know that I am living in a Monastery and "going out" doesn't mean clubbing or hitting the bars, but simply getting out of the Monastery for a bit. The fact that my curfew is 10 pm (I know, not even in HS..lol) limits the activities I choose to do. Not to mention the weather; it can be hot with a light breeze one minute and the next its pouring rain! The weather has had an affect on the things I do because it is pretty unpredictable. You may think its just a cloudy day but its not, its a rainy day (Megan I think I've had more rain than you in Lacy, WA).
    But this past weekend, it all changed. S Mary Ruth called Yvone and Ceasar (a lovely couple the sisters have known for almost a decade) and asked them if we could hang out with them this weekend. Yvone and Ceasar had already told us (Ash and I) that we can go out with them any time we wished! So we did! They  picked us up at 7:30 pm on Saturday and took us to the casino in El Conquistador in Fajardo. It's a beautiful luxurious hotel that even has its very own small island! Within minutes of being in the casino I quickly made the decision that I don't think I like gambling all that much (it was my first time in a casino). All the machines looked complicated and I didn't get any of them =(. That was till I came across the ol' fashion slot machines! I liked those... Nothing complicated about them.. you get three of the same color, shape, number.. you win.. something. Who much did I win? Well I won $10 (spent $20 on gambling and $7.50 on a drink!, so $17.50 total) not great, but not too bad. Then on Sunday I went to 11 am mass (never again will I go to 11 am mass) and they happened to be having a ceremory again, just like the week before. I don't usualy keep tabs on how long mass is but I do know Catholic mass (at least the ones I've gone to) don't usually go beyond 1 hr and 10 minutes. This mass though, has lasted an hour and a half like everytime I've gone to it. So I think I'm going to start going to 9 am regular mass. Any who, after mass I spent the whole day in Plaza Las Americas. It was nice to just be out and about doing nothing really, going in and out of stores, trying things on, purchasing a few little things and so on. But this weekend was just what I needed to re-energize.
   Monday-Friday I am busy enough with school and all that good stuff, but on weekends it can be pretty boring without a car and in addition, if it's raining. So it was fun. Then I found out that I might be attending a wedding this weekend over on the West side in Mayaguez! Rumor has it that the best beaches are on that side, so I'm super excited! Well, that's all for now, till next time!
As my friend Sara would say, "Toodles". 

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